
Welcome parents and student to our 4th grade blog. Stay posted on classroom information and enjoy viewing highlights and pictures from the classroom.

Friday, December 23, 2011

What Does 100 Feet Look Like?

Ask your child!  Each group of 4th graders had to plan out a path that was 100 feet long.  Then they used masking tape and a ruler to create their path.  Here are some pictures of the kids busy at work and surprised at how big 100 feet really is.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Read It to Beat It

The fourth grade had a blast yesterday at the Read It to Beat It event.  We helped break the world record for the most kids reading aloud in one place for the longest time.    The students also got free t-shirts, time to dance, and were read to by local sports heros and celebrities.  Here are some pictures capturing the fun!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Field Trip Tomorrow

Tomorrow we will be going on our Read It To Beat It Challenge field trip. The bus will be departing at 8:50am for the US Cellular Area and returning to Kozy around 1pm. Your child will also receive a free t-shirt and free book for participating. We are very excited to represent Kozy in this challenge.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Things to Look for This Week

It has been a busy week this week!  Hopefully you saw the vocab test and the End of the Unit Math Assessment come home yesterday.  We also included a grade at the top of the Unit 3 scoring guide so that you could see what grade your child is getting in math currently. 

Tomorrow we will be sending home a progress report for the 2nd quarter.  The 2nd quarter doesn't end until January 19th.  You should also see the map test come home tomorrow from social studies.  Please don't forget to study tonight.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Social Studies Vocab Quiz and Map Test

A letter is coming home in today's folder to help the students prepare for next week's social studies tests.  Wednesday will be the vocabulary matching test and Friday will be the map test over the Middle West Region.  Flip books and the notes will come home to help you practice the vocabulary.  A map completed in class along with blank maps to practice on will be coming home as well.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thank You!!

We would like to give a big "Thank You" to all of those who have donated to the Kozy Food Drive. As of today, 4th grade has collected 84 cans to donate. We are so thankful that we will be able to help out our community! Tomorrow's theme is canned fruits and veggitables and Friday's theme is any non-parishable food item if you would still like to make a donation. Thank you again :-)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Yesterday students at Kosciuszko were treated to an assembly led by paraolympian Lloyd Bachrach.  Lloyd was born missing most of the bones in his legs, but he didn't let that stop him. During his presentation Lloyd stressed that the only thing standing between a child and his/her dreams is the child's own motivation. 

Lloyd detailed how he learned to do things differently than other children, but still did them.  He played baseball, volleyball, and swam as a child.  In high school he placed at the state championships for gymnastics. As an adult, he participated in the Atlanta Paraolympic Games for volleyball.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Winter Art Projects

The Students made Karo Syrup Color Art today with winter themed objects such as snowflakes, mittens, and candy canes!  Enjoy viewing our students at work and their finished masterpieces.

Food Drive Starts Monday!

Kozy is having it's annual food drive from Monday, December 5th-Friday, December 9th.  All the food collected will be going to Project Concern.  Each day we will be having a different themed item to bring in.  The class with the most food will win an ice cream party!

Items to bring:

Monday (Dec. 5): Peanut Butter
Tuesday (Dec. 6): Canned Tuna
Wednesday (Dec. 7): Canned Soup
Thursday (Dec 8): Canned Fruit or Vegetables
Friday (Dec 9): ANYTHING

Thursday, December 1, 2011


At the beginning of the school year we sent home a sheet listing each field trip we would attend this year.  We now have one more.  Just recently our school was given the opportunity to attend the Read it to Beat it, Guiness World Record Challenge.  In conjunction with Winterfest, the United Way, the Brewers Foundation, and Half Priced Books are attempting to break the world's record for the largest group read alound. 

Ryan Grant, Craig Counsell, and Tom Barrett will be reading to an assembled crowd of over 5,000 children which will break the world's record and enter us all into the Guiness Book of World Records.  In addition to the read aloud, there will be presesentations by the Milwaukee County Zoo, Schlitz Audubon Center, the Milwaukee Bucks Energy Dancers, and WMYX. 

The fee for this trip is $1.50.  Permission slips and payment is due next Wednesday, December 7.  Chaperons are free. We are limiting this trip to one chaperone per classroom.  Priority will be given to those that return the slips first and to parents unable to attend the other trips.

First Assembly of the Year!

Ronald McDonald came to visit our school yesterday for grades 1-4.  His message was how to give back to the world.  Here are some pictures from the assembly, including our own Banner Ream who was called up to help demonstrate.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Enjoy pictures of children in the classroom working on our station.  The students were illustrating a scene from our story of the week,"The Stranger", from a different viewpoint.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Pen Pal Writing

All of Kozy's fourth grade students have a pen pal they will be writing to through out the year from another elementary school in Cudahy.  We worked on brainstorming ideas for our next letter today.  We are going to tell our pen pals all about our trip to Discovery World!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Turkey Day!

Just a reminder that there will be no school tomorrow, Wednesday November 23rd.  We want to wish you and your family and wonderful Thanksgiving.  We are so thankful for having the opportunity to teach this wonderful group of children.  They make each day a joy to come to work!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Field Trip to Discovery World

The fourth grade had a fantastic time on our first field trip of the year.  The children were able to explore several hands-on exhibits dealing with forces and electricity.  We also viewed a performance all about Tesla, the famous inventor.  Check out pictures from our trip below.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Art Museum Trip Tomorrow!

In preparation for our field trip to the Milwaukee Art Museum tomorrow, the children looked and talked about various art work, heard a story about Salvador Dali, and illustrated a still life of apples and a pear in a wooden bowl.  They also went to the Art Museum website to create and learn about different works of art.  The link to this website is on our two clicks to the right.  Here are some pictures of the children enjoying the art.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We joined the great mail race!

After receiving a letter from a fourth grader named Brylee from Austin, Texas, the class decided to join the great mail race.  Each of the students is writing a letter to a fourth grader from somewhere in the country.  We will be able to reach 26 states.  In the letters, the students are telling about themselves, Kozy, and the state of Wisconsin.  The children will pick their states and send their letters on Friday.  Make sure to ask your child where they sent their letter to.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Literacy Station Open House

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend last night's open house.  I hope you enjoyed seeing the literacy stations that have been incorporated into the curriculum.  The focus of the stations is to promote higher level thinking skills and creativity as it relates to stories.  The work from the stations will come home today.  Below are some pictures from the evening.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Open House Tomorrow Night

Reminder to families!  Tomorrow night will be our annual academic night.  Come see what the students work on during literacy station time and view the products they recently have been working on.  It will be from 6:00-7:30. 

Come early and have dinner too.  There will be a hot dog dinner from 5:00-6:00 with the proceeds going toward after school academic clubs.

See you then!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Report Cards are Coming Home!

All students should be coming home with their report cards in their folders today.  Please check them over and let me know if you have any questions.  Honor Roll certificates will be coming home soon.

Honor Roll Students are:

Jake                                     Eric
Jeysen                                  Cassie  
Jesse                                    Tyler
Lauren                                  Ashley
Gideon                                 Danielle

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Science Test Tomorrow

Just a reminder to study for the science test that will be given tomorrow.  A study letter went home yesterday and we played "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" to review for the test.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Earth Rounds

Thank you so much to the parents who sent in the food for the children to make Earth Rounds.  The students learned about our natural resources on the planet and why it is important to conserve those resources.

Day of Fun!

Our students had a lot of spirit these last two weeks as they heavily participated in our spirit week.  The picture below shows the students on Friday who wore pajamas to school for Pajama Day.