
Welcome parents and student to our 4th grade blog. Stay posted on classroom information and enjoy viewing highlights and pictures from the classroom.

Friday, March 2, 2012

WKCE Test Results Come Home Today

As you will see in your child's folder, the results from the WKCE that was taken in October are coming home today.  Please remember that the work they do in school and the levels that they can perform at independently are what's important.  That is true for the areas that your child does well in and struggles with.  Overall, our class did super well.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Director of the Wisconsin Dairy Council Comes to Visit!

The children learned about Wisconsin Agriculture today when the director of the Wiscosin Dairy Council paid a visit to the 4th grade.  She shared interesting facts about dairy and crops that grown in Wisconsin.  There were videos for the children to view to see how cheese is made, cranberries and cherries are picked, and milk is processed.  They ended the session with a free Colby cheese stick complements of the marketing board.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

The children brought in their Valentine holders that they specially designed at home.  Below are pictures of each of the students with their folders.  They did a great job!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Spelling Bee Tryouts!

4th grade is when the spelling bee starts for the School District of Cudahy.  All students start by competing in their classrooms to narrow to 3 finalists per classroom.  Then those 3 finalists compete against the other 3 finalists to narrow the list down to 1 finalist to represent Kozy 4th Grade in the school district spelling bee.  Our six finalists were: Thomas Sylke, Dylan Gniotczynski, Madison Hall, Alyse Daebel, Mackenzie Pollick, and Jared Freimark.  The finalist going is Alyse Daebel and, the runner-up who would go if there was some reason Alyse could not participate, is Dylan Gniotyczynski.  Everyone did a great job!  We have a great group of spellers.

The Final Six

The winner and the runner-up!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Alvi Visits the Classroom

Thanks to the American Lung Association our classroom received a hands-on kit that allowed children to learn about the respiratory system.  The students learned what each part did and what healthy, diseased, and asthmatic lungs looked like.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

6 More Weeks of Winter!

 Puxatawney Phil saw his shadow this morning which means 6 more weeks of winter.  Our students tried to see their shadows today, but due to the lack of sun couldn't find it.  Maybe that means an early spring here!  It sure feels that way.